Friday, December 12, 2008

Ben Takes Time Off (Monday, Sept 29 - Wednesday, Oct 1)

After staying up so late Sunday night, helping Laurel clean up her kitchen, I overslept Monday morning and nearly didn't make it to work on time.

I want to give my best to my kids, my job, and to Laurel, but there are just too many things pulling on me. I thought that if I could just get enough time to get caught up on all the things I needed to do, I could then stay caught up without half killing myself running here and there.

I decided to take Tuesday off. My experiment did not need my attention at the moment, and I had been in the lab all weekend, so today was a good day to try to play catch up in my personal life.

I also told Laurel that I thought we ought to take a little time apart this week.

I'm going to miss her like hell, but it'll be worse if I keel over dead from exhaustion. Besides, in addition to everything else I have going on, I'm trying to get Sophia into the Jarman Academy. That's the private school Dr. Drummond's kids attend, and she's always raving about how great it is. I'm sure Sophia's grades are good enough to get in, but I have to fill out a long ass application and arrange for references and interviews and all that mess. And I have to have it all done this week.

Plus there are a million other things I need to do. Like getting Marcus some non-girly pajamas. And I guess Laurel could use the time off, herself. She's got a lot going on, getting ready for her Grand Opening and everything. I'm thinking she could use some extra hours in the day, even if she won't admit it.

I went shopping on Tuesday after I got Sophia off to school. I got several sets of PJs for Marcus, but they didn't have any decent ones for Sophia. That was troublesome. She's likely to get upset if he gets something and she doesn't. So I got her a real, big-girl watch. If she has a fit over the PJs, I'll give her the watch. If she doesn't notice, I can put it aside for Christmas.

I'm getting so damn organized!

Anyway, it turned out to be a good thing I did arrange for some time off, because by the time I got home from shopping, I felt like hammered shit. At first, I thought I was just tired, but then I recognized the symptoms of the flu.

Isabel said she thought she might have it, too.

It was a struggle, but I did manage to complete Sophia's application to the Jarman Academy.

I felt so bad, I took Wednesday off work, too.

Sophia woke up sick Wednesday morning. I kept her home from school and just let her goof off all day.

I'm afraid I didn't pay much attention to Marcus, either. I stuck him in his high chair and let him watch Blue's Clues all afternoon.

Isabel wasn't much help. She said her sinuses were bothering her.

It was when I was lying on the couch in a fever-haze that I reached an important conclusion.

I decided that the time has come to hire a nanny.

I've been thinking about this for quite a while now. But I never could bring myself to do it. It means admitting that something is wrong with my wife - so wrong that she can't or won't take care of her own kids.

And even now, I feel bad about it. Like, if I wasn't spending so much time with Laurel, I could do more for my family.

But if I have a nanny to do the everyday stuff, like feeding the kids and cleaning up after them, I can concentrate on the good stuff. I can play with them and take them to the park and help Sophia with her homework and read to Marcus. All that kind of stuff a Dad should do.

Isabel was pretty pissed off when she looked at my laptop and saw that I'd been searching for a nanny. I don't feel like getting into the shit she started over that.

I feel like right now, hiring a nanny is the best thing for our family. And so that's what's going to happen!


  1. Aw man, are you kidding me?? Dr. Drummond is going to completely lose her mind when she finds out about Ben trying to get Sophie into her kids' school!

    And Isobel needs to seriously seek some psychological help.

    I'm a little perturbed with Ben. I understand that he's all in luuuvvvv and whatnot but I hate the fact that instead of trying to fix things at home, he's just been running off to let another woman lick his wounds. He's a shitass guy. lol

  2. Ugh. I can sympathize when an entire household gets sick. It's just complete hell, with a side order of chaos. I dread winter every year because of it. No more girly pj's! LOL YAY for Marcus getting manly clothes!

    I wonder if this Nanny will be a good Nanny and actually do things, or a bad Nanny and make things ten times worse! (Crosses fingers for GOOD Nanny!)

  3. Good for Ben, I think hiring a nanny will be best for them. Lol, but what nanny will you get is the question....I'm wondering if she'll be as useless as Isabel. I've had some pretty bad nannies in my game, hehe.....and some stinky ones to.

    But then again, maybe a useless nanny will still be better than Isabel :)

  4. Poor Ben. I don't blame him for getting a nanny! He still really needs to figure out something with Isabel. She's such a well, yeah. Sheesh. When the kids find out he's with someone else, there's going to be trouble...

  5. The nanny should be interesting. Y'all will meet her in the next update. I, personally, think that the right thing for Ben to do is to stop running around on his wife and care for his kids himself, but, eh, he has his own personality. So a nanny it is.

    And hahahaha Dr. Drummond really will have a fit when she realizes that Ben is trying to get Sophia into school with the Drummond boys. LOL! I can't wait to see her face when she finds out!

    Still not sure what I ought to do with Isabel. Of course, I like happy, functional families, but getting Isabel straightened out will kill a lot of my drama.

  6. I don't think it's a good idea to put Sophia in a private school where the boys she bullied are. I do like Sophia but she seams mean. And yes, Ben is a little weird because he goes to Laurel whenever he has problems as if she's supposed to worry about them too! Also I hope they are ok soon! Make sure they sleep alot! lol :D

  7. You're right, Una, there should be some interesting incidents between Sophia and the Drummond twins. Poor Nigel! I almost feel guilty!

    I am pleased to report that both Ben and Sophia are now over the flu. Isabel still has it, though, so I hope they don't get re-contaminated!

  8. Ha! Heidi will be screaming her head off!!! Sophia the bully will be in the same school with her poor kids, my my you are cruel...

  9. I know, I know! Well, perhaps it will be a good chance for Nigel and Neville to build some character. Or, maybe not.
