Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sofia's Day (Saturday, Sept 27)

Mom and Dad were still asleep when I got up on Saturday, so I helped myself to some leftover pancakes from the fridge. I knew that Dad had left them in there just for me, in case I got hungry and Mom was busy on the computer or whatever. Dad is cool like that. He isn't a bitch like Mom.

Mom and Dad would die if they knew that I knew a word like "bitch". I use it, too. All the time, at school, when Mrs. McBane can't hear me.

My parent and teachers all think they are so smart. They think that they know all about me, but they don't know how grown-up I really am.

Mom came into the kitchen before I finished my pancakes. I wondered what she was doing out of bed so early. Mom didn't bother fixing herself a regular meal, and didn't even bother getting out some leftover pancakes. She just scarfed down some milk right from the carton, which I am not allowed to do.

Mom isn't very fair.

After breakfast, I went upstairs and played on the computer for a while. It was fun. I don't hardly ever get to play on the computer much, because Mom is always hogging it.

Dad came up to say hello and goodbye before he went to work. Dad works on Saturdays because he is a scientist and he says research does not take a day off. Whatever that means. Anyway, I asked him again about getting a computer for my room, but he still said no.

Marcus started crying right after Dad left. Mom had gone back to bed already. Marcus cried for a long time, like three hours. It got on my nerves, but there wasn't anything I could do about it.

I was glad when Mom finally got up and gave Marcus a bottle.

I took a bath and stuff and then later I called this girl Ashlee from school. She's not my friend, but I just felt like talking to her. I like to talk to people. I have more friends than any other girl in my class.

I talked to Ashlee for a really long time and at first I was mad at her because all she wanted to talk about was some stupid puzzle her parents bought her. But then we talked about school and stuff and that was funnier.

After I talked to Ashlee, I ate some salad Dad left in the fridge.

Dad got home just as I was getting ready for bed and I ran outside in my nightgown to give him a big hug. My dad is amazing.

Then I went to bed and that was my whole day.


  1. Hey Bev! I came over here from a Dark. This new story is quite cute so far. I do enjoy reading challenge stories, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one!

  2. Hi Mao and a BIG HUG for you and your last comment on A Dark. Also a big LOL for you for thinking this was a challenge story. :-O I like challenges, too, but I totally suck at playing them, so, nope, this is just a regular ol' story. I used these Eaxis Sims just because I like them. They look so normal on the surface, but when you examine their personalities, you see that they are really quite a dysfunctional bunch.

  3. I MEANT to type gameplay story. LOL. Major LOL there. I like GAMEPLAY stories. Sorry about that. Mao is a blonde, as if that is not blatantly obvious by now. :)

  4. Sophia is a total crack-up. I love it already!

  5. @ Mao - You're blonde?!?!?!

    @ Penelope - Thank you! And hey, guess what? You're my first follower! :-D

    BTW I'm going to link you guys and all my other regulars as soon as I figure out how I want to set up this blog.

  6. Hi Bev

    What a cute beginning to a story. I love how you brought across her dislike for her mother, lol. Its obvious she loves her dad way more :)

    As you most probably know, I love gameplay stories to, hehe. So I'm very intrigued to see how you do it, you can give me some tips :)

  7. Hey I caught up ha ha( sorry for my seemingly too cheerful opening, I just came home from a mad shopping spree). Sophia sounds a bit like me when I'm younger, yeah I think the adults are stupid too(yup and i swore too). I like Sophia anyway, and her mother doesn't seems very responsible to me, but you know sims can be rather weird sometime.

  8. Hey, y'all!

    Taryn, I am thinking about doing some sort of behind the scenes thing - but it's not like YOU need any tips from ME! Maybe the other way 'round! Your stories are excellent.

    Karen, whatcha buy me? ;-) Yep, it seems like there's always a little bit of us in our Sims. I thought that I was pretty well grown up at age 9, so I borrowed that for Sophia. Other than that, though, she and I are NOT going to be much alike!

  9. 'Mom isn't very fair'. ROFL!!! My daughter says this to me all the time.

    "Mom can I play the Wii."
    "Not until you clean your room."
    "But you're on the computer and the dishes are still in the sink!"
    "So, I'm the Mom."
    "#$@#%@!" (Not curse words, but she says some mean things like 'That's not fair, I hate you, blah blah' under her breath as she storms off to her room)

    LOVE the beginning! I'm off to see what happens next! <3

  10. "I'm the Mom." Three very excellent words. Ah, how sweet it is to have children and FINALLY be the one who gets to say them! :-D

  11. Hi, sorry I hadn't been reading in a long time. So this is a nice new blog. I like it and I'm looking forward to it getting more exciting. :D

  12. LOL it might not . . . good to see you, though, Una!
